Fresh Air Home

The Fresh Air Home Camp is a non-profit organization located on Tybee Island, Georgia that began in 1897. Campers enjoy three healthy meals a day, snacks, beach time, arts and crafts, music, bible lessons, recreational activities, cookouts, ice cream socials, water day, a dolphin tour, themed evening programs and much more. Everything that the children need is provided for them without charge to the family.

Camp Sessions for 2024

Session 1 Monday, June 3rd through Thursday, June 13th (ages 4 - 10)

Session 2 Monday, June 17th through Thursday, June 27th (ages 4 - 10)

Session 3 Monday, July 1st through Thursday, July 11th (ages 4 - 10)

Session 4 Monday, July 15th through Friday, July 19th (returning campers ages 11-12)

In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
— Matthew 25:40

Application Information

  • Returning campers are given one week to apply for camp, prior to camp opening to the public. Once the application is open to the public it is a first come first served basis.

  • Families will be notified concerning their camp selection soon after the application is received.

  • We make every effort to place your child in their first choice of camp; however, sometimes it is not possible and they may be placed in their second or third choices.

All sessions are full.

Camper Information

Click the link below to see everything you will need to know about summer camp. Whether it’s what to bring, when to drop off, or who to contact we have answers!

Become a Counselor

If you are wonderful with children, need credits for school, or looking for something great on your resume, click below to see how you can become a counselor!


Do you have questions!? We have answers! Click below to find out everything you need to know about Fresh Air Home Tybee and all of our summer fun!