Frequently Asked Questions


  • No, we provide all bedding and pillows.

  • Yes, we issue camp shorts, t-shirts, and underwear for the children to wear. We do laundry onsite daily. You are welcome to send underwear with your child. Please mark the inside with their name in permanent marker.

  • No, unfortunately, we have set activities & field trips that your visit might interfere with. In addition, your visit may make your camper and other campers home sick.

  • You will be notified of any illness. If it is something simple, our 24/7 nurses can help at camp, otherwise, you may have to come pick up your child.

  • Camp is not the place to stop using the medication the doctor has prescribed. Our nurse will dispense medications to the children as prescribed.

  • Please make sure allergies are listed on the form you fill out for camp. In addition, please remind the counselor at Clinic that your child has food allergies.

  • Please do NOT send food to camp. We are used to dealing with picky eaters and have a wide variety of food choices.

  • Please email us at as soon as you know so that we can fill the spot with a child on our waitlist.

    • Counselors are on duty at all times

    • Certified Medical Personnel on staff

    • Certified lifeguard on duty

    • CPR and First Aid certified staff

    • All staff are background checked

    • Small camper to counselor ratio

    • Health Department “A” rated kitchen and staff

    • Buildings are Fire Marshall inspected