Camp Information

All sessions are full.

Drop off: Monday Morning first day of session - Please arrive promptly at 7:00am - American Legion Post 184, located at 3003 Rowland Avenue Savannah, GA. Please bring your health insurance card and two photographs of your camper.

What to bring: We provide camper shorts and t-shirts. We also provide underwear but some parents/guardians like to send a pack of underwear with their camper. Please label everything your child brings to camp with their first and last name.

  • Tennis shoes

  • Flip flops or water shoes for the beach or another beach type shoe so feet don't get burned by the sand

  • Swimsuit

  • Sunscreen if you have a special type to use. Otherwise, we have sunscreen

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste (but we do have it if you forget)

  • Hair brush and/or comb

Medicine: If your child takes medication please ensure you send it to camp. Please include instructions on your application. Send all medication in its original bottle and only send enough medication to last the duration of camp. This is NOT the time to "give your child a break." Camp is busy with lots going on. We want your camper to have a good time.  We have a nurse on staff who administers all medication, as well as handles any cuts, scrapes, or other boo-boos.

Leave at home: NO cell phones, NO tablets, NO money, NO food, NO valuables. We cannot be responsible for any item that is lost or broken.  (Your camper will not need any money, we pay for all field trips and special treats).

Highlights for camp week: Lots of beach time (we have certified lifeguards on duty); arts & crafts activities; cookouts; a dolphin tour; water slide day; pizza night; movie night; and some other surprise activities!

Pick up on Thursday (last day of session) 8:00 am for the first three sessions and Friday (last day of fourth session) at 10:00am  - Please be on time to welcome your child. They will be excited to see you and will be worried if you are late. Pick up is at the same location you dropped off your child, the American Legion Post 184, located at 3003 Rowland Avenue Savannah GA. A Photo ID is required to pick up your camper.

Phone Number to Reach the Camp: Our Camp director can be reached at 912-786-5746 (camp phone) if you need to contact her during the week. Please know that camp is very busy and your call may go to voicemail. The director focuses her attention on the campers, but will get back with you as soon as she can.

Camp Mail: You can use the camper email address to send your camper a message

Behavior/Illness: While it does not happen often, a parent/legal guardian must be available by phone in the event that there is an illness or behavior problem. In some cases a parent/legal guardian will need to pick up their child immediately.